Sunday, May 11, 2008

Here's why the stegosaurus is extinct:

Seriously... how did they have sex???


Anonymous said...

I found some old stegasaurus porn recordings from the Jurassic era. Sample dialogue:

Ok, now lie on your back.

[grumbling sound]

what? WHAT?!

No, it's just... it's always me on the ground.

Oh, okay smart guy, let's see how YOU do balancing on your tail while you get pounding with some huge spiky--

OKAY! okay, I get it! I get it!

[strange gurgling sound]


shit, I'm stuck.

just kick your legs!

oh yeah, easy for you to say!

etc, etc.

it was kind of boring porn, actually.

M said...

you know, i bet that's really what it was like, too. poor stegosaurs.

Anonymous said...

One of the few instances where porn accurately depicts something.

[insert joke about female ejaculation here]

M said...

would a realistic depiction of sex be called a "cockumentary"?

Anonymous said...

My money's on cowgirl.

-elbow macaroni not signed in because my passwords are too complicated for 1 a.m.

Anonymous said...

planky would call a realistic depiction of sex a "fish shit." but enough about planky.